This page is set up to be the future source of information for the long running series of game challenges. Initially set up by Alan Stewart (Mamemeister) and has been run by Lewis Vidler (London Retro Video Games) for many years. Lewis has done an amazing job with this competition but is feeling he's done enough and I fully understand that. He deserves a rest so I've offered to take over (what have I done?) to keep the competition running. Scores are now being updated here but Lewis is still in charge and will continue to manage new games for this season.

I really don't want it to end as it's fun and provides a good reason to stream on Twitch so let's keep it going. I've set up this site well in advance as I had the time to do so. It still needs some work, especially with the background and logo, as I don't want to use Alan's IP. I'm happy with the general layout otherwise Any suggestions are welcome and if they make sense and are within my limited web design capabilities I'll include them.